Credit History

Credit History


USDA or Rural Housing loans are not available in the more highly populated counties in Kentucky . The counties of Jefferson and Fayette Counties are not eligible for USDA loans.

USDA loans require no down payment and are subject to income and property eligibility requirements by County..

Check Kentucky USDA  Income Limits Here”—–>>>>

Check Kentucky USDA Property Eligibility Limits Here—>>>>

All Kentucky Rural Housing Loans are ran through GUS, Guarantee Underwriting System, an online to determine your loan approval

The Automated Underwriting engine will come back with an Accept, Refer, or Ineligible.

Most USDA mortgage investor want an Accept on the initial underwriting approval to do the loan.

640 is the score that most USDA lenders want, but USDA will go down to a 580 credit score in their guidelines but it is very difficult to get approved.

If you have a score below 640 and trying to go USDA, work on getting your credit scores up first.

Text or call 502-905-3708
Text or call 502-905-3708

Applicants must have a credit history that indicates a reasonable ability and willingness to meet obligations as they become due. A credit history reflecting any or all of the following is considered unacceptable credit history:

More than one 30-day late within the past 12 months.

Bankruptcy or foreclosure discharged less than 36 months

Outstanding judgments within the past 12 months

Two or more rent payments 30 days late within the past 3 years.

Outstanding collection accounts with no payment arrangements

Outstanding tax liens or delinquent federal debt with no payment arrangements

Accounts converted to collections in the past 12 months.

Mitigating Factors to Unacceptable Credit:

Adverse credit waivers may be granted for mitigating factors to establish the applicant’s intent to good credit. Lenders must document these circumstances which were beyond the borrower’s control and have been removed:

Circumstances for adverse credit were temporary in nature, beyond the applicant’s control and have been removed. Examples: increased expenses due to illness and/or medical expenses, injury, death, etc.

Tri-merge credit reports are required and must be no more than 90 days old at the time the Conditional Commitment is issued

Applicants must not be delinquent on any debts owed to the Federal Government

CAIVRs must be checked and documented in the loan submission package.

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American Mortgage Solutions, Inc.
 800 Stone Creek Pkwy, Ste 7,
Louisville, KY 40223
(: (502) 905-3708 | 7 Fax: (502) 327-9119|
 Company ID #1364 | MB73346 


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